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1.       Akman, N., Ural, D., (2001) Mobilization for a Disaster Resistant Community, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
2.       Akman, N., İskender, H., Kadıoğlu, M., Kapdaşlı, I.,  Ural, D., (2001) Voluntary Resource Development, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
3.       Boyacıoğlu, D., Karaca, M., Şahin, M., Tarı, E., Güler, G., (2001) Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
4.       İlki, A., Yentürk, N., Demir, İ., Bakır, P. B., (2001) Emergency Management Operations, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
5.       Kadıoğlu, M., Helvacıoğlu, İ., Okay, N., Tezer, A., Trabzon, L., Türkoğlu, H.,  Ünal, Y.S., Yiğiter, R. (2003) Emergency & Disaster planning guide for schools, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
6.       Kadıoğlu, M., İskender, H., (2001) Media and Public Relations Principles for Emergency Situations, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
7.       Piroğlu, F., Lav, A.H., (2001 Exercise Development, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
8.       Piroğlu, F., Özdemir, P., Taşkın, B., (2001) Preparedness for Disaster Exercise Implementations, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
9.       Sözen S., Piroğlu, F., Okay, N.,  et al. (2001) Mitigation Methods for Emergency Managers, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
10.   Sözen S., Okay, N., Ünal, Y. S., (2001) Handbook for Mitigation Principles, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
11.   Şener, S.M., Tezer, A., Kadıoğlu,M., Helvacıoğlu,İ., Trabzon,L. (2002) National Emergency Management Model, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
12.   Tezer, A., (2001 ) Emergency Management Principles, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
13.   Tezer, A., Gezici, F. (2001) Emergency Management Tools ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
14.   Türkoğlu, H., Yiğiter, R. (2001), Emergency Management Planning, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
15.   Ünlü,A., Dikbaş,A. (2001) Incident Command Systems, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
16.   Ünlü,A., Helvacıoğlu, İ., Trabzon, L. (2001)  Emergency Operations Center, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
17.   Yentürk, N., Ünlü, A., Tarı, E., İlki, A. (2002) The Restructuring of Turkish Fire Brigades Under The Light of International Experiences, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
18.   Yentürk, N., Ünlü, A., Tarı, E., İlki,A., (2002) Model proposal of the Restructuring of Turkish Fire Brigades( Turkish), ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
19.   İTÜ CEDM,  (2003) National Emergency Management Model, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
20.   JICA-IMM (2002). The study on a disaster prevention/Mitigation basic plan in İstanbul including seismic microzonation in the Republic of Turkey. Pacific Cons. Int & OYO Corporation.
22.   23.   Kadıoğlu M., Türkoğlu H., Tezer A., Okay N., and others., Emergency Planning for Schools (in Turkish), İTÜ Disaster Management Center, No.18, İTÜ Press, ISBN 975-561-202-5 (2004).
21.   Gürkaynak, İ, M. Kadıoğlu, H.A. Poydak, 2004. I’m Learning Save Live with Turkish Red Crescent – Teacher book, Turkish Red Crescent, Ankara, ISBN-975-92079-2-3.
22.   İDMP, 2004. Istanbul Earthquake Master Plan (İDMP) Educational and Social Works (İTÜ-ODTÜ) İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi ve Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, B. Akşit, G. Erkut, M. Kadıoğlu, A. N. Karancı, S.M. Şener, A. Tezer, D. Ural, A. Ünlü.
23.   Kadıoğlu, M., İ. Gürkaynak, H.A., Poydak, 2004. . I’m Learning Save Live with Turkish Red Crescent – Student Book, Turkish Red Crescent, Ankara, ISBN-975-92079-1-5.
24.   Ural, D., Piroğlu, F., Ülker, S., 2005 Activity Report 2001–2004 (Turkish), ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
25.   Ural, D., Piroğlu, F., Ülker, S., Irk, A., Yaman, F., (2005) Activity Report 2001–2004,  ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.

26.   Ural, D., İskender, H., Bal, E., Özay, O., (2005) Disaster Management Perspective of Terrorist Attacks in Istanbul on Nov. 15&20,2003(Turkish), ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
27.   Ural, D., İskender, H., Bal, E., Özay, O., Külekçi, S., (2005) Disaster Management Perspective of Terrorist Attacks in Istanbul on Nov. 15&20,2003, ITU CEDM Publications, ITU Press, İstanbul.
28.   Ünlü A., 2005. Bir Risk Değerlendirme Yöntemi Olarak Yerlesme Ünitesi Analizi (Town-Watching), Afet Yönetiminin Temel İlkeleri, JICA Türkiye Ofisi Yayın No:1, s.53-59. Ankara.

29.   Ural,  D. 2006. "Afet Mevzuatı: Turkiye Deneyimi",  Ulusal Afet Dergisi, Ankara, Turkey. Vol.1, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 7-19.

30.   Ilki, A., 2006. “Yapisal Riskler ve Risklerin Azaltilmasi,” Kadioglu, M ve Ozdamar, E., eds., 2. baski, “Afet Yönetiminin Temel İlkeleri” içinde, 43-52, JICA Turkiye Ofisi Yayinlari, No. 1, Ankara.

31.   DBE, ODTÜ, İTÜ, 2006. Doğal Afetler Risk Yönetimi Programı, Hasar ve Yeniden Yapılanma İhtiyaçlarının Tespiti kurs malzemeleri CD

32.   Ünlü A., Enginöz E.B., 2006. Afet Konutlarında Tasarım Değerlendirmesi :Afyon-Dinar Örneği, ĐTÜ Dergisi/a, Eylül 2006,Cilt 5,Sayı 2, s.37-51.

33.   Kadıoğlu, M., 2008, Modern, Bütünleşik Afet Yönetimin Temel İlkeleri, Afet Zararlarını Azaltmanın Temel İlkeleri (Editörler: Prof.Dr.Mikdat Kadıoğlu, Doç.Dr. Emin Özdamar), JICA Türkiye Ofisi, Yayın No:2, sayfa 1-34.

34.   Kadıoğlu, M., 2008: Sel, Heyelan ve Çığ için Risk Yönetimi; Kadıoğlu, M. ve Özdamar, E., (editörler)., ‘Afet Zararlarını Azaltmanın Temel İlkeleri’; s. 251-276. JICA Türkiye Ofisi Yayınları No: 2, Ankara.”

35.   Kadıoğlu M., 2009. First 72 hours for the individual and family in an earthquake.  İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (İSMEP), Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (İPKB).

36.   Kadıoğlu M. (ed.), 2009. Nonstructural risk mitigation against earthquake. İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (İSMEP), Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (İPKB).

37.   Kadıoğlu M. (ed.), 2009. First 72 hours for disabled people in an earthquake. Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (İSMEP), Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (İPKB).

38.   Kadıoğlu M. (ed.), 2009.
Survival under extraordinary conditions. İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (İSMEP), Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (İPKB).

39.   Kadıoğlu M., 2009. Emergency & Disaster planning guide for Health industry(editor). İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (İSMEP), Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (İPKB).

40.   Kadıoğlu M., 2009.
Disaster emergency aid planning guide for industrial and working places  (editor). İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (İSMEP), Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (İPKB).
41.   Kadıoğlu M., 2009. Emergency & Disaster planning guide for educational institutions  (editor). İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (İSMEP), Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (İPKB)
42.   Türkoğlu, T., Tezer, A., İlki, A., Kundak, S., 2009. Urban Planning and Construction for Disaster Mitigation, Tranining guide for Community Representatives, İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (İSMEP), Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (İPKB).

43.   Türkoğlu, T., Tezer, A., İlki, A., Kundak, S., 2009.
Urban Planning and Construction for Disaster Mitigation, Traning Guide for Local Decision Makers, İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (İSMEP), Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (İPKB).
44.   Türkoğlu, T., Tezer, A., İlki, A., Kundak, S., 2009. Urban Planning and Construction for Disaster Mitigation, Training Guide for Technical staff , İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (İSMEP), Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (İPKB).

45.   Afetlere Hazırlık ve Kentsel Risk Yönetimi Komisyonu Raporu, Kentleşme Şûrası 2009, Bayındırlık ve İskân Bakanlığı, 137 sayfa

46.   Eraybar K., Okazaki K., İlki A., "An Exploratory Study on the Perception of Seismic Risk and Mitigation in Two Districts of Istanbul", Disasters. 2010. 

47.   Kadıoğlu M., Türkoğlu H., Okay N., Tezer A., and others, Küçükçekmece İlçesi için Risk Analizi ve Afet Yönetimi Projesi Raporu, Küçükçekmece Belediyesi (2010)

48.   Kadıoğlu, M., 2011, Afet Yönetimi Beklenilmeyeni Beklemek, En Kötüsünü Yönetmek, Marmara Belediyeler Birliği Yayını, Yayın no:65, , 219 sayfa.

49.   Okay N., Seasurge. Disaster Relief Encylopedia (eds. K.B. Penuel and M. Statler), SAGE Publ., ISBN 9781412971010, p. 632-638 (2011).

50.   Okay N., Volcanoes. Disaster Relief Encylopedia (eds. K.B. Penuel and M. Statler), SAGE Publ., ISBN 9781412971010, p. 761-765 (2011).

51.   Okay N., Coastal Geo-Hazards around the Mediterranean Sea and Disaster Risk Reduction. CIESM, Marine Geohazards in the Mediterranean (ed. F. Briand), CIESM Mediterranean Science Commission Workshop Monographs no. 42, Monoco (2011).

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